I received one of the first Alpha 6-160 SR antenna’s and thought there was NO way this antenna would work or radiate a signal at only 34 length of wire. I was impressed with the matching unit which was much bigger than the one with my Alpha 6-160 Jr antenna. I installed the antenna and much to my SURPRISE my internal tuner on my FT-950 tuned this antenna on ALL bands 160 – 6 meters. It is one thing to tune it is another thing to communicate. On 75 meters I was able to test my vertical, my Alpha 6-160 Jr., and the Alpha 6-160 SR antenna. Hands down I received the BEST signal report on the Alpha 6-160 SR antenna. I was truly AMAZED! I would recommend this antenna especially to someone that is space challenged.
Earlier review posted by WA0URJ
I just purchased an Alpha 6-160 antenna. At first, I wasn’t impressed but after doing some work with Steve (the owner of the company) I found out that my old LDG tuner had created memories and wouldn’t tune the antenna. I purchased a new YT-100 tuner and WOW…it tunes everything perfect! In fact I do NOT need a tuner for 40, 20, 15, 10 or 6 meters. The antenna works perfect on these bands. I only need a tuner for 160, 80, and 17 meters. This is probably one of the best antennas that I have used in my 48 years as a HAM operator. If you’re looking for a general purpose all band antenna, then look no further. THIS IS IT! You will not be disappointed. On another note, the customer service from Steve is over the top! He is without a doubt the best in customer service and follow up. This company should receive the HAM Radio Customer Service Award (if there is such any award). FYI with the YT-100 tuner this antenna tunes all my MARS frequencies as well.
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10-160M HF EmComm end fed JPole Sr$219.00
6-80M HF EmComm end fed JPole Jr$199.00