Received this antenna two days before Museum Ships Week End. Erected to the aft flag halyard of the Battleship USS TEXAS in a few minutes. Radio room on 2nd Deck and began working. We made over 150 contacts mostly 40 and 20 with many 59 plus reports using the 60 foot EMCOMM element. It was easy to re-orient from WNW to NNE.
Steve and the others at Alpha Antenna answered a number of questions in the two days before the contest. I definitely recommend the antenna. It is best to feed it from the upper end. Takes more coax but performance and portability is worth it.
Operators were KA5OXA (me), N5KT & K9GEM.
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10-160M HF EmComm end fed JPole Sr$219.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 70 customer ratings
6-80M HF EmComm end fed JPole Jr$199.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 62 customer ratings