I have had my Alpha Sr about a week now. I purchased it to replace my DX-DD 80/40 dipole. I have not found a frequency it will not resonate on with the help of my LDG AT100proII tuner. I was at first concerned when looking at the specs that I would not be able to bring the SWR to an acceptable limit on 80m. Well Alpha proved me wrong. I have my feed point at 30′ the antenna slopes to the end at 16. I use telescopic masts to support it. Very easy to set up and take down. A perfect addition to any hams go kit. Thank you for this great product.
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10-160M HF EmComm end fed JPole Sr$219.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 70 customer ratings
6-80M HF EmComm end fed JPole Jr$199.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 62 customer ratings