Great HF performer.

Base Vertical HF Antenna

I replaced a Cushcraft AP8V with the 43-foot S9V and I must say that it is worth every penny. I used the existing radials (18) that I had cut for the AP8V without the radial plate and did use the 4:1 UNUN as suggested. This is my 80/40 receive antenna but it works so well on all the bands that I find myself using it mostly on the WARC bands (30, 17 and 12) for transmit as well! Breaks pile ups on long haul stuff with only 150 watts. The low angle rx/tx seems really good. My LDG auto tuner matches it on all bands within seconds. Easy install and great portability.

You won’t be disappointed with the performance. If I dedicated more time to cutting proper length radials and used more of them, I can easily see that this can be a killer performer for low bucks.


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