I had been needing a stealth antenna solution for the home QTH. Although I do not live in an HOA environment, my XYL, Stacey, is less than enthusiastic about antennas that are visible. That is why I chose the “HOA Buster” solution. It hides very well, and did work to a certain extent…except that my home is a single-story ranch. 180′ of gutters, but they are 9′ off of the ground.
Clearly, I needed to rethink my situation.
Drawing from others’ experiences, I sought inspiration from Alpha customers. I installed the FMJ at the base of my silver maple tree, and then ran 27′ of 4 gauge solid copper up the main trunk of it. The orange coax is RG6/U…the direct bury type. It is exceptionally low loss for HF, and being a cable technician, the price was right (free!).
Overall, this setup meets the criteria of being almost invisible to keep Stacey happy, and it works quite well. It is the quietest antenna I have used here in this QTH…much quieter than the 150′ stealth random that is over the roof (that Staceys {Karens} can’t see).
The only things left to do are to shorten the feed to eliminate the loop at the FMJ, and then make the connection from the FMJ to the vertical element permanent.
Thank you Alpha! KB2HSH
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UHF HF Antenna HOA Buster$249.00Rated 4.97 out of 5 based on 65 customer ratings