I purchased the 6-80M Alpha HD-FMJ, Multi-band portable HF antenna and after an extensive morning conversation with James and Steve in which they answered all of my technical questions as well as questions concerning warranty. They were both very open and unlike many antenna companies openly share details including a publication of the SWR profile.
The 6-80M Alpha HD-FMJ, Multi-band portable HF antenna arrived here in NM by Priority Mail within 3 days of ordering from https://alphaantenna.com/.
I had a chance to test the antenna at my home the day of arrival for a couple of hours and I found that it performed as advertised if not better after I moved it further away from the house than I had it initially. 25-30 feet was sufficient. The test was conducted using the Tripod mount on 40 and 80 meters. I had arranged with a number of friends both here in NM, UT and CO that were at least 150 miles away to assist me. All stations had full copy on me while I ran 85-90 watts on my IC7410 with reasonable signal strengths. The furthest station for this quick test from my QTH in Socorro, NM was in Florissant, CO 343.2 mi away as the crow flies.
Using a MFJ 269C I tested the SWR and had extremely close correspondence to the published SWR plot.
Approximately 2 weeks later I used the Alpha on an extended camping trip. I was camping at Latitude: 33.883003848, Longitude: -107.514143672 at a place called Bear Trap Canyon, NM. 25 Oct to 30 Oct. 5 nights, 6 days.
I was camping in a very narrow canyon at approximately 8700′. I was in that part of the canyon that was 300-400 feet wide at most. I used the antenna extensively and I had excellent performance considering the band conditions. I was able to check in on the NM nets that I check in on as well as have some QSOs with stations in excess of 1000 miles. Most importantly, I was able to use the WINLINK email system to exchange some email messages with my wife to let her know that I and Manny (my dog) were okay as well as for me to learn that she was okay. Rig used was an IC7200, LDG Pro II 100-watt tuner, USB cable and my laptop. I ran on average about 75 watts.
It was nice to purchase an American made product that worked better than advertised. I was looking for a portable antenna setup that could be deployed in under 5 minutes including running the coax and that worked.
The 6-80M Alpha HD-FMJ, Multi-band portable HF antenna exceeded my expectations.
MIL EmComm Deluxe$519.00Rated 4.98 out of 5 based on 100 customer ratings