Alpha 6 – 80 FMJ ANTENNA

Alpha Antenna HD-FMJ

I got this antenna in April as an upgrade to the older one I have. I used the FMJ antenna on Saturday of field day this year and I have to say. This antenna is quite awesome. I made 259 contacts with this antenna that day and was the only one working my station. I had to leave the radio several times to operate another station and answer messages as they came in from different clubs. The highlight was when I was hearing better on my vertical FMJ then my wife was on our Dipole antenna 35 feet in the air. I was able to pull out stations and get into other stations with this antenna better than the other antennas around me were able to.

I am greatly impressed with this antenna and highly recommend it to anyone that wants to go mobile, build a go bag, an emergency radio bag or just to take to the field and DX with. You won’t be disappointed.



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