Yes, I know this is a portable antenna that isn’t built to be left outside in the weather. Mainly because I was lazy, I put it up about two years ago and never bothered taking it down. So, I figured it was time to inspect it and perform any routine maintenance. I found that there was a white type of build-up (corrosion?) around the stud where it goes into the mount. Anyways, I called Alpha Antenna to ask them about it; at which time I found out that they had recently switched every part over to stainless steel or brass. They then offered to send all of the replacement parts to upgrade me system! They proved to me that all the reports about their customer service are true!
Performance has been as good as my TransWorld TW2010 antenna on 10, 12, 15, 17, & 20 Meters, which is what I use for portable. I also have a DXCC from Alpha Delta, and the Alpha Vertical performs about the same on 10, 15, & 20. I wanted 12 & 17 Meters too, which is one of the reasons I bought the Alpha. On 40 meters the DXCC does perform about 15% better than the Vertical and on 80 meters it performs about 30 or 35% better. To be fair, Alpha Antenna does make an HF Enhancement Kit, for even they told me on the phone that they ‘realize the limitations of the Alpha Vertical Antenna, which is why an enhancement kit is offered for the lower bands…not to mention that a Counter-Poise kit is also offered.’ So, I ordered the HF Enhancement Kit, and now I am much more pleased with the antenna’s performance. I believe that the lower bands are more NVIS so horizontal elements are needed, which is why dipoles and antennas like my DXCC work well on the lower bands.
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MIL EmComm Deluxe FMJ$519.00Rated 4.98 out of 5 based on 100 customer ratings