I purchased the Alpha for the sole purpose of having a broadband easily stored and deployed portable HF antenna. I also purchased the HF enhancement kit to give better results on 80 and 160. So, what do I think? I used the antenna over the summer at my portable VE1 location. The antenna placement was not ideal (between 2 wings of an E Hut for those of you familiar with military style bldg. Like a H hut 4 legs rather than 2) it was between 3 walls in an area with typically S7-9 noise levels on almost every band. Needless to say, I wasn’t hearing the weak signals. I fed the antenna with about 50ft of RG-213 to get it as far from the walls as possible though it was anything but clear of the building. I was using my FT-857D and LDG YT-100 tuner. In many cases I did not need the tuner inline and was able to make contact with stations with or without.
I was able to get it to tune on 160 – 6 meters and made contacts on 75 meters for one of our local nets and worked Croatia, Macedonia and Crete (all 5/9) on 20 meters when there were good band conditions.
I like the fact that it fits in the trunk of my Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce, sets up very quickly and it works. I haven’t done a comparison using it at the home QTH with my other base antennas, but as that is not what I purchased it for it doesn’t matter. I now have an antenna that I can use at my summer QTH, take camping, use for portable demonstrations.
Would I buy another or recommend to someone else? Most definitely.
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MIL EmComm Deluxe FMJ$519.00Rated 4.98 out of 5 based on 100 customer ratings