I meet Steve at the QRP conference in Branson MO. While talking with him I asked about the 6-80 Military Antenna. I wanted one for the use for ARES Emergency Operations during disasters. After talking to him I decided to purchase the antenna. I took the antenna home and deployed it as I would in a disaster.
I was amazed at the number of the contacts I was able to make since the antenna was deployed on a 3 foot stand. I was using the metal whip that came with the unit and made contacts on all the bands listed with the antenna. I took Steve’s advice and purchased the 60′ Emcomm Element and again deployed the system for Field Day.
The antenna performed flawlessly, and I was blown away by the contacts that we were able to make all up and down the bands. By the end of field day we had logged over 1600 contacts with this antenna paired with my Yaesu 857D. We did use a tuner on 80 meters on SUM of the contacts where the SWR’s were close to 3. We didn’t, however, ever see an SWR above 2.5 but the tuner made that match a little better. All in All, I have to say this antenna is an asset to any go bag or emergency radio deployment kit.
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HF MIL EmComm Basic FMJ$400.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 79 customer ratings