I and one other of my club members have now purchased three antennas from Alpha at the Irving TX Ham Com 2015. We now have two of the Military antennas and I was so impressed with Alpha I also purchased an Alpha MagLoop and will have its review after I get a chance to test it.
I guess one of the most important benefits of amateur radio is a chance to bond with my daughter that I was away so much from during military deployments most her life. She is now grown up and time with her is very important to me. All in my family are Ham’s and I’m hoping I can keep her moving towards her general ticket by exposing her to DX’ing.
My portable stations give me a chance to get out and go to parks and campgrounds and get on the air and make contacts all over the world. It’s been the best time of my life to share this with her. Today we tested our portable set up for field day and played with the Alpha Military Ez-up and like all Alpha’s it went up in minutes. In no time we were on the air. My set up is with some pretty old technology. I was using my old Icom 706MkIIg and a LDG AT-llMP auto tuner on a battery. Our first contact was on 12 meters contacting VP8LP in the Falkland Islands and it was through a major pile up competing with stations using power. Our second contact was more remarkable being a friend was trying with his base station and couldn’t get in past the pile up, but I was able to get past the crowd and contact HA7FB in Budapest. Then it was back to the US to Senoia Georgia with N4NVI. Our front yard “DXpedition” was cut short from the weather but it was a great time with her.
I guess my only negative input is not with the antenna but the bag. It’s not very durable and the zipper is already starting to stress and it’s difficult to get everything back in the bag. The Jaw clamp is just too big and by the time I put everything back in it is very difficult to close the bag back up without stressing the zipper. I’m going to look into a more durable bag or just put the jaw clamp in with my tripod. Overall, I am very satisfied with this antenna! I can’t wait to try out the Alpha Loop Jr!!
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MIL EmComm Basic FMJ$400.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 79 customer ratings