I’ve had an interest in magnetic loop antennas for a while. I’ve considered portable loops, receive only loops, etc. Since I live in a restrictive HOA neighborhood, a small magnetic loop antenna held an appeal to me. There are only a few small magnetic loop antennas on the market that can handle 100 watts out. After researching various magnetic loops, I opted to go the route of the Alpha Antenna. In my situation, I can easily put it up and take it down using a couple of 4 ft sections of fiberglass push up mast, which allows me the portability, low profile, 100 watts out without drawing the ire of neighbors and of equal importance the ease of operation. At this point, I’m pleased with my decision and the Alpha Antenna.
Here is a brief list of what I consider to be the benefits of this antenna:
-suitable for either permanent or portable operation
-100 watts PEP
-10-40 meter coverage
-remote control tuning
-ease and quickness of tuning within a band of
-low signal to noise ratio
-ease of assembly/detailed instructions/You Tube video
assembly instructions
-exceptional customer service
-competitive cost (compared to other 100 watt loops on the market)
There is a learning curve to tuning from band to band, which just takes a little practice and experience. Ninety seconds is about what it takes to move /tune from band to band.
The Alpha Antenna Model 100 W Base Loop has everything I need given my particular circumstances and the Customer Service has been exceptional.
Hope everyone found this review helpful.
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Base 100W HF MagLoop$1,000.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings