MagLoop Placement
Do not place the Alpha Antenna magnetic loop tuning box on a large metal surface (i.e. picnic table, car, etc.). Also note that large metal objects (Cars, Trailers, Buildings) that are within 18 inches of the MagLoop can detune it.
Minimum mounting height is 1 loop diameter high (about 3 feet or higher) off an earth ground. Optimum height is 2 loop diameters high. Higher makes the antenna omnidirectional defeating the goal of directivity.
Placing the Alpha Loop higher enables it to see above and around obstacles that might have caused it to have less of a signal path while operating through those obstacles.
The physical environment that surrounds antennas will have an impact on performance. Consider this when placing an antenna to enhance performance. Do not expect the same performance from an antenna when placed indoors, on a balcony, or near a building as you are experiencing on another antenna that is outside away from obstacles.
Operating Environment
As a point of reference, you will typically see about 1.75 S-Unit of loss when operating inside a stick build home. Performance in apartments can be significantly less in the direction through the building. So placement on a balcony or in-front of the largest window after removing any metal screen will help if indoors. Please also note that losses are higher where the home’s exterior walls have a chicken type wire under stucco or with aluminum siding.
Signal Patterns
Near field radiation patterns of a MagLoop magnetic loop antenna are mainly in the plane of the loop. Not through the center. Facing the center of the loop at a noise source can help to null out interference caused by noisy electronics.
Far field radiation patterns of a MagLoop magnetic loop antenna are mainly in the plane of the loop. Surrounding environments can affect radiation patterns, which naturally begin to overlap. This effect can minimize the far field directionality of a loop.
Mount the loop horizontally on your mast to make the loop Omnidirectional. When the loop is mounted at less than 1/4 of a wavelength NVIS will be in an ever-increasing way as your loop is lowered. When the loop is mounted higher than 1/4 of a wavelength, then DX will be enhanced.Â
Snake coax rather than coiling it up, as the coil introduces an air choke with a random value.
Tuning Overview
After you tune the antenna to provide the loudest noise floor from your radio, then you can use the SWR meter in your radio or an Antenna Analyzer to tune for the lowest SWR. Just remember that it is easy to run by the tuned spot before the analyzer can react to it. NOTE – If you have a very low noise floor and find it difficult to hear it increases while tuning. Please feel free to tune into a signal being transmitted by another station to perform the receiving portion of the tuning process.
In addition to the capacitive tuning, you perform with the knob on the tuning box, below is a section about ‘Inductive Tuning’.
Remote Tuning tips
Make a note on whether your magnetic antenna loop is either tuning up or down when pressing either the green or red button.
When using the remote control, total maximum tuning time from 7.0MHz to 29.7MHz is 90 seconds. This is with the tuning speed knob is turned completely to the right for maximum tuning speed.
If you don’t have any idea where you are and where the end of travel is, then pressing either the left or right button for 90 seconds resets the loop to either the lowest or highest frequency.
Tapping the left or right button on the magnetic loop’s remote control allows for incremental stepped tuning.
Make a note on whether your loop is either tuning up or down when pressing either green or red button.
Manual Tuning
Turning the Black Knob on the Portable Alpha Loop antenna to the Left lowers the tuned frequency and to the Right raises the tuned frequency. Please note that we have set a 30% resistance in the clutch assembly that can be felt once you have turned the knob to the far left or right of tuning range, which keeps the reduction gears from being stripped.
It takes about 3 revolutions of the Black Knob on the Portable Alpha Loop antenna to complete tuning from the lowest portion of the band to the highest, or vice versa.
Inductive Tuning
To use the inductive tuning feature, simply place the small inner loop on the bottom tuned spacer, then slide the inner loop up or down the center mast per the following Image. Before using this feature, first tune the loop with the capacitive tuning knob located on the loop tuning box. After the loop is tuned when the knob, then re-shaping the inner loop is also another effective option to inductively tune the loop.
The Alpha Loop is:
- More EFFECTIVEÂ at getting your signal across on 10 to 40 meters using 100 watts PEP SSB = You Will Be Heard!
- More EFFICIENT on 40-80 meters using an outer loop that is over 21+ feet providing the most skin effect in a double loop configuration, which squares efficiency = You Will Hear & Be Heard!Â
Additional Information: Alpha Magnetic Loop antenna MagLoop tips by Alpha Antenna
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VHF UHF HF EmComm MagLoop$399.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 81 customer ratings