54-7MHz RX/TX SWL OmniLoop

The Omni-Loop Antenna from Alpha Antenna is specifically designed for military and commercial uses.

Support includes TX/RX from 54-7MHz with a unique omni-directional shortwave listening (SWL) receive experience from 0.5MHz to 30MHz.

Unlike traditional wire antennas, loop antennas are compact and efficient, making them ideal for limited space or portable setups.

Key Features:

Frequency Range: TX/RX 54-7MHz and RX 0.5MHz to 30MHz.

Omni-Directional: The double loop design allows reception from all directions.

Low-noise Receive: This antenna is a balanced system, which includes a built-in low-noise component to lower the noise floor and thereby enhance signal reception.

Optimized Size: This loop is suitable for rooftops, ships, and other locations with limited space.

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