6-80M HF EmComm end fed JPole Jr


End-fed 6-80M

Tune Free EmComm Antenna

Availability: 3 in stock

RG58u Coax
1 × 18 feet of RG-58/U Coax w/PL-259s
RG58u Coax
1 × 50 feet of RG-58/U Coax w/PL-259s

6-80 meter end-fed 34-foot long HF Antenna that enables you to use a tuner to achieve a near perfect SWR, with limited efficiency while using a tuner on 80 meters.

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  • Frequency Coverage: 3.5-54 MHz (80-6 Meters)
  • Peak Power: 250 PEP SSB, 125 CW, or 25 watts for digital modes. NOTE – The MIL-STD-188 M110a digital communications mode is rated at bursts of 100 watts digital for up to 1 minute using the MIL-STD Data Modem Terminal (MS-DMT) and Automated Message Terminal (AMT) software applications.
  • Weight: 1 pound
  • Configuration: End-fed configurable as Sloped or Horizontal
  • Length: 34 Feet
  • Connector: UHF type SO-239


34 Foot element
Band SWR
6 Meters 1.50
10 Meters 2.39
12 Meters 2.49
15 Meters 1.60
17 Meters 2.9
20 Meters 2.5
40 Meters 2.9
80 Meters 5.5

Frequency SWR Analysis


Run the antenna as a sloped system for good NVIS and DX results, or a flat top for good NVIS results. We test the antennas at 6 feet, however higher placement will enhance DX results while lower placement will enhance NVIS.


Click Image for the Configurations Page

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Based on 62 reviews
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1-5 of 62 reviews
  1. DC

    I’m in a south FL HOA, antenna unfriendly environment. I needed a discrete and portable EFHW for HF. Playing with my new FT-710 I’m amazed I got Texas, MN, Montreal, western NY, Chicago at various times on 10, 20 and 40 meters, just stumbling around button pushing. I’ll read the manual next.
    I like the antenna, overbuilt, perfect for 100 watts or less. I haven’t connected the other antennas I bought when I got the new YAESU, yet. With the rope I can rig it up or bring it down in 10-15 minutes,….mostly time getting the ladder.
    I’d get it again in a heartbeat. Built well, weather resistant, insulated wired, very kink resistant.

  2. ER

    I have 2 64ft end feds from Alpha Antenna mounted as opposite sloppers that work amazing. This 34ft version is for my Car portable set up. It takes me 7 mins to set up my rig and my first contact was 5000 miles away. Alpha Antenna is amazing and their customer service is off the charts! Thank you Alpha Antenna.

  3. SB

    I ordered both senior and junior j pole antennas

    Good quality and easy to install, extremely robust baln design. Extremely weatherproofz.

    Talked to the owner once or twice with some technical questions, the customer service was excellent, would purchase from them again without hesitation.

  4. M

    Great antenna for limited space!

  5. EV

    Works great and tunes up nice with the internal tuner of my Yaesu 991A.

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 5 × 10 in






product type

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VHF UHF HF Antenna type

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Q & A

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Should a BalUn or air choke be installed? Q A asked on December 28, 2023

You may need one mainly if you are experiencing common mode current, especially after you have placed ferrite beads on the devices power cord that is experiencing common mode current. Note - Sometimes resolution is made by simply moving the devices power cord to a different circuit. If, for example, you still hear your own transmission coming from a pair of speakers then we recommend reading the following article: "The Need (or not) for Antenna Baluns or Chokes": https://www.alphaantenna.com/community/hints-and-kinks/news/the-need-for-antenna-baluns-ensuring-efficient-signal-transmission/

admin answered on December 28, 2023 store manager
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How high should this antenna be installed? Q A asked on December 28, 2023

To enhance NVIS, mount the element lower than 8 feet in a horizontal configuration. For better DX, mount the element in the clear and sloped into the direction you want to launch your signal. For example, with one end at 6 feet and the other at 30 feet (Note that higher typically results in more DX). Again, the slope helps determine the angle and direction that your signal is launched.

admin answered on December 28, 2023 store manager
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Regarding the 2 parallel elements that for the shape of a ‘J’; Is the 2nd wire a transmitting element like a dipole or is the 2nd element a counterpoise, and are both wires strung along the same axis or is the 2nd one sloped down beneath the 1st one at a steeper angle? Q A asked on December 7, 2023

The JPole (Jr & Sr) are derived from a fan dipole’s design, which simply enables RF to select the element(s) with the path of least resistance for the resonance required to provide acceptable SWRs. The second shorter element is an active element that that is attached to the longer element in a zip cord configuration. This enables the end fed JPole antenna to have access to 3 electrical lengths of wire. These lengths are: 1) The shortest element, 2) the longest element, 3) and an even longer combined length of 1 and 2. Then an inductor matches the impedance at the point where your 50-ohm coax attaches to the match. Operationally, the JPole Sr is designed with the optimum lengths of elements, and the 34-foot JPole Jr was designed for those who do not have the room to deploy a 60-foot JPole Sr antenna.

admin answered on December 8, 2023 store manager
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